Our Picture Book Series

Growth Mindset

Never Ask...

Top of the Wardrobe Gang
under construction

Hi there!
I'm excited to welcome you to my new website, and also excited to announce that I've just released the first book in my NEW "Stanley Dragon" Growth Mindset series!
I both write and illustrate my children's picture books, but I set out on this adventure along with my Top of the Wardrobe Gang creative team. (You can meet them at the bottom of this page.)
It's going to take me a while to get everything sorted here, so in the meantime the button below will take you directly to my old website. I'll be connecting some page links here to the old site before I bring everything across.
The Top of the Wardrobe Gang

We're the Top of the Wardrobe Gang! We are a bunch of cuddly toys who love working as a team to write and illustrate books for kids. Click on the link below to find out more about us.
We also wrote this rhyming picture book to introduce ourselves. It's recommended for ages 3-6, and you can buy it from Amazon.